Game of Adders Black Part 2 – Blackadder meets Game of Thrones

Continuing last week’s Blackadder and Game of Thrones mashups, here’s some more great images of the two legendary shows combined. A Game of Adders Black.

Who's Queen? A Game of Adders Black

A Game of Adders Black Part 2

Here are some more of the most popular Blackadder quotes combined with images from Game of Thrones.

Millionaire Aristocrat

A Game of Adders Black - Comning Blackadder with Game of Thrones

This Blackadder quote is from Ink and Incapability, where Blackadder describes that there is always something wrong.

Baldrick: Something wrong, Mr. B?

Edmund: Oh, something’s always wrong, Balders. The fact that I’m not a millionaire aristocrat with the sexual capacity of a rutting rhino is a constant niggle. But, today, something’s even wronger. That globulous fraud, Dr. Johnson, is coming to tea.

What’s the scale?

Whats the scale? A Game of Black and Adder

This Blackadder quote is from where Captain Darling is showing General Melchett how much ground they gained in a big push in Private Plane.

Darling Er, the map is actually life-size, Sir. It’s superbly
detailed. Look, look, there’s a little worm.

If I can just get the voice right

Now if i can just get the voice right - Game of Black and Adder

Taken from the closing scene after the credits on Blackadder Series 2 Episode 6 Chains.

Concrete Elephant

A Game of Black and Adder

And this final image of the week is placed with a Blackadder quote from ‘Beer’. This is where Queenie wants to take part in the drinking of the incredibly strong ale.

And on that note, we’ll leave you with the Goblin song

See the little goblin
See his little feet
And his little nosey-wose
Isn’t the goblin sweet?


Catch up from last week

If you missed last week’s Blackadder and Game of Thrones mashups, you can find them here – Game of Adders Black – Blackadder meets Game of Thrones Pt 1.

Also read: Blackadder Dictionary