Rik Mayall played two incarnations of Lord Flashheart in Blackadder in series 2 and series 4. Here’s some of the best bits!
Best Blackadder Quotes
Find all the best Blackadder Quotes online here!
There is a popular phrase – “A Blackadder Quote a Day keeps the cretins away”. OK, perhaps that is not an official saying, but it should be! Never a day goes by, when I don’t quote Blackadder at least once. And even if I don’t actually quote from the show, I give a ‘BAHHH’ General Melchett style!
If you are looking to find the best Blackadder quotes online, then check out this collection. Blackadder quotes are updated daily, and so you can pick a new one every day of the year!
As well as our Blackadder quotes, you can also find series and episode descriptions, as well as complete scripts for all the shows. It is like Blackadder heaven!
Keep dropping by, and remember to follow us at www.facebook.com/blackadderquotes.
Robbie Coltrane Blackadder Actor Dies Age 72
To some people, Robbie Coltrane is best known for his role as Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies, but other fondly remember his appearance as Dr. Johnson in Blackadder.
Queenie Quotes From Blackadder – The Best Blackadder Quotes
Queenie, played by Miranda Richardson, was an amazing character who often stole the show throughout series 2 of Blackadder. It’s not surprising then that some of the best Blackadder quotes can be attributed to her! Here are some of our favourite Queenie quotes.
Blackadder Series From Best To Worst
There were 4 series of Blackadder, each set in a different historical period. Here’s how we rank them from best to worst.
International Blackadder Status Day – March 15th
Did you know that March 15th is International Blackadder Status Day? Post a great Blackadder quotes as your profile status on March 15th!
Blackadder Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party
In honour of the European Elections for May 2019, it would be criminal not to write about Dish and Dishonesty from Blackadder Series 3!
Miranda Richardson – Blackadder Appearances and Roles
Miranda Richardson is well known for playing the Queen in Blackadder Series 2, but she also had other appearances. Here’s more about Miranda Richardson in Blackadder.
Rik Mayall Blackadder – All his appearances including the specials
Although not one of the main cast, Rik Mayall made a number of appearances throughout the Blackadder saga. Here’s a look at all of the Rik Mayall Blackadder appearances, including a couple you might have forgotten about.
10 Best Blackadder Episodes From All 4 Series
Blackadder has given us some of the very greatest moments in British Comedy, and so choosing the best Blackadder episodes is no easy task. This is what we have come up with. The Best Blackadder Episodes We’ve put together 10 of the very best Blackadder episodes, along with our favourite scenes from each. This list … Read more
Blackadder – 5 of the most romantic moments
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we thought we’d share some of the most romantic moments in Blackadder. As you might expect, there’s a few unusual ones in there!