In honour of the European Elections for May 2019, it would be criminal not to write about Dish and Dishonesty from Blackadder Series 3!
Blackadder Election Episode
Any excuse to blow the dust off the Blackadder election episode is welcome. Especially as real life gets closer and closer to the Dish and Dishonesty episode!
In this episode, Blackadder ends up putting forward Baldrick as a candidate for Dunny-on-the-Wold.
The official population of Dunny-on-the-Wold consists of:
– Two rather mangy cows
– A dachshund named Collin
– A small Hen in its late 40s
– One actual human who is the sole voter in the borrough. He however dies when he, very sadly, accidentally, brutally cut his head off while combing his hair.
The Adder Party
Step forward Mr. S. Baldrick, the candidate for the Adder party. A rotten candidate for a rotten borough. Or a rubber button, depending on who you’re talking to.
Despite the small number of voters, there was a tremendous turnout as can be seen here:
Ivor ‘Jest-ye-not-madam’ Biggun
Perhaps our favourite candidate though, is Ivor ‘Jest-ye-not-madam’ Biggun of the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party.
Do those colours seem familiar to you?
Perhaps George summed it up best: Well, lucky-lucky us. Lucky-lucky-luck. Luck-luck-LAKK-LAKK-LAKK-LAKK-cluck-cluck-cluck-cluck-cluck-LAKK-LAKK-LAKK.